Our Folks 2.0 - Goggans Genealogy

DNA Info and Matching Segments Help

Recent Modifications

  • 01/22/2022 - Added filter on DNA Matches tool for Match Name (whole 23AM displayname), works just like Surname. Also both Match Name and Surname filters will take first few letters to match and multiple entries can be used separated by commas - for example with Surname: gogg, jo will match Goggans, Goggins, Jones, Johnston...

  • 01/16/2022 - Replaced the "manual" Pedigree Tool and display with an "automatic" one! It's automatic because it simply outputs and "stacks" the tagged match segments on the a single chromosome and Line (P or M) rather than showing each match segment on its own row. Segments tagged as U or C will be ignored. Thanks again Graham Hart!)

  • 01/13/2022 - Added mass-change feature on DNA Matches page (thanks Graham Hart!)... Might need to put in a check so people don't accidentally change every row in their data... Update: this has been added - to proceed if 25 or more rows: click OK (or Cancel)

  • 01/12/2022 - Added Pages and links for User CSV upload - plenty of error checking, but we'll see:
    • If first row has column headings, it will be skipped
    • Field "rowid" should be 0; auto-increment in the database will assing ID key
    • If the current user's login ID doesn't match the "user" column, an error will be generated
    • The "Match Person" (name of the person with a DNA match to the Tester) cannot be blank
    • The Family Line Key ("relfamid") will be set to "U" if blank or greater than 6 characters
    • The "treeid" field will be set to blank if not already - this is a future hyperlink field to a match person in the user's family tree
    • Match person "displayname" cannot contain a single quote (') mark
    • Chr cannot be blank and must be in the set of 1 - 22 or x/X or an error will be generated
    • Start chr match position number cannot be blank
    • End chr match position number cannot be blank
    • Birthyr is is set to 0 if blank
    • Percent Shared DNA ("pctshared") cannot have the % symbol and must be less than or equal to 1
    • If there are more than 25 fields/values on a row, an error is generated
    • Duplicates are checked (and errored) by looking for a repeat in the combination of Tester/Match Name/Chr#/Start#
    • An upload Abort is generated if the first 25 rows of data all generate errors
    • Checkbox option to suppress error messages (and 25 row abort) for duplicate rows

  • 01/11/2022 - Add the ability to add and delete new Family Line groupings (e.g. "Z" instead of just P, M, PM, etc.) on the Surnames/Colors tool page (thanks Graham Hart and Camellia Acker!)

  • 01/11/2022 - For DNA Matches and the Pedigree, an overlay very light gray is added for Chr's 13,14,15,21,22 (which have non-useful regions of DNA content) even though 23andMe reports match SNP starting number as "1". May have to revisit overwriting the start numbers on these segments to make the view better and consistent with other imported data. The values used are:
    • Chr 13: 1 - 19,219.064 ; 16.69% of total length
    • Chr 14: 1 - 18,991,575 ; 17.69%
    • Chr 15: 1 - 19,940,234 ; 19.45%
    • Chr 21: 1 - 14,342,347 ; 29.80%
    • Chr 22: 1 - 17,187,352 ; 33.50%

  • 01/10/2022 - Modified Pedigree Map filter for "Line" so that multiple values can be entered, separated by commas - e.g. PPP,MMM (thanks Graham Hart!)

  • 01/10/2022 - Same mod as above for the Pedigree Edit page

  • 12/12/2023 - Moved DNA Tools links to menu bar under "DNA" heading with custom menu hook in TNG

  • 12/14/2023 - Updated pages that use ancestor surname/color grid, and updated code for the grid itself to be self-contained for an include file

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